
practical gemology


green zircon
Name Zircon
Varieties Hyacinth, Starlite ,Etc..
Crystallography Tetragonal. Crystals prismatic, pyramidal; often twinned; rounded pebbles.
Crystallographic Forms
Zircon MH
Zircon 009
Zircon 024
Zircon 066
Zircon 081
Zircon 097
Zircon 133
Zircon 137
Refractive Index  Varies by the amount of radioactive damage to its crystal structure. Low (most damaged): 1.78 – 1.85; Intermediate: 1.85 – 1.93; High (least damaged): 1.92 – 2.01. See “Varieties” for more information.
Colors  Reddish-brown, yellow, gray, green, red; various other colors induced by heating.
Luster  Vitreous to adamantine; sometimes greasy.
Polish Luster Vitreous to adamantine
Fracture Luster Vitreous to subadamantine
Hardness  6 (Low), 7.5 (High)
Fracture  Conchoidal
Specific Gravity  Low 3.95-4.20, Intermediate 4.08-4.60, High 4.60-4.80
Birefringence  Varies by the amount of radioactive damage. 0 (isotropic)-0.059. See “Varieties” for more information.
Cleavage  Imperfect
Dispersion  0.039 for all zircon types.
Heat Sensitivity None
Luminescence  See “Identifying Characteristics.”
Luminescence Present Yes
Luminescence Type Fluorescent, Phosphorescent, UV-Long, UV-Short, X-ray Colors
Enhancements Virtually all blue zircon is heat treated.
Typical Treatments Heat Treatment
Special Care Instructions Facet edges wear off. Use protective settings for ring use.
Transparency  Transparent to opaque.
Absorption Spectrum  See “Identifying Characteristics.”
Phenomena  Chatoyancy, rare
Birthstone  December
Formula ZrSiO­4 + Fe, U, Th ( Zirconium Silicate )
Pleochroism  Distinct in blue stones: deep sky blue/colorless to yellowish gray. Red: red/clove brown. Brown: reddish-brown/yellowish-brown.
Optics  Uniaxial (+).
Optic Sign Uniaxial +
Etymology From the Arabic zargun, from the Persian zar for “gold” plus gun for “color.” The name is ancient.
Occurrence In igneous rocks worldwide, especially granites. Also found as alluvial material.
Inclusions Angular zoning and streaks are sometimes seen in the low type. Some silk is seen occasionally, as well as tension cracks and epigenetic cracks stained with iron oxides. Metamict pieces may have bright fissures known as angles.
As a species, zircon has a lot of interesting attributes. Because it has a high refractive index (RI) and a lot of different things that look like diamonds, some people think it was the “natural choice” for a diamond simulant because of these things.
When they are cut correctly, colorless zircons can look like and even outshine poor diamonds.
Zircon, which has been used as a diamond substitute for a long time, is actually rarer than diamond.
It only goes so far. This can make these gems look dull and lifeless if the cutting is bad. Zircons aren’t as hard as diamonds, but they’re still a good choice for jewelry stones because they range from 6 to 7.5.
They also have a very weak tenacity, which is less than most gemstones. Their facet edges are easy to chip and wear.
Birefringence is the most noticeable difference between zircons and diamonds in terms of how they look (double refraction). The table of a zircon must be aligned with the optic axis because it has a lot of birefringences.
Diamonds don’t have this. It might look bad if you don’t. Facet image doubling might make the inside look bad.



It’s true that zircons aren’t just fake diamonds. They’re also more than just that. They’re beautiful stones in their own right, and they come in a wide range of colors that are found in nature. Heat treatments also make a lot of new colors.

The names for Zircons

jacinth zircon

*Hyacinth or jacinth is a type of transparent reddish-brown zircon. This name was also used for hessonite, which is a reddish-orange variety of garnet.

Starlite Zircon
*Starlite is made of rich, blue zircons that have been heated. Even though you may still see this marketing name, it didn’t really catch on.
*Stremlite: blue zircons.
*Jargoon or jargon is a term for zircons that are light yellow or have no color at all.
Beccarite green zircon
*Beccarite: green zircons.
Melichrysos yellow zircon
*Melichrysos: yellow zircons.
*Sparklite: colorless zircons.

Misleading Names

Zircons that don’t have any color have been sold as “Matara” or “Matura diamonds” and “Ceylon diamonds.” Zircons can be used to make diamonds look like diamonds, but selling them as real diamonds is unethical. Blue zircons have been sold as “Siam aquamarines,” but they aren’t. Zircons are rarer than both diamonds and aquamarines, but these gems are more popular than zircons, even though they are rarer. Thus, some dishonest people will use these names to sell zircons more quickly. You can see a list of gemstone names that aren’t true or that aren’t very clear.

Radiation and the Properties of Zircon They get a little bit of radioactive uranium and thorium as they grow. This radiation can’t be seen or heard. In time, the crystal structure is broken down by a lot of radiation, but not all at once. These stones, which are usually green, change color. Those are materials that no longer have crystals in them because radiation has made them more amorphous than they used to be. They have a lower RI and more sparkle than crystallized zircons.

People put Zircon into one of three groups based on how bad it is going to get. High, immediate, medium, or low. These are also called alpha, beta, and gamma, but they aren’t the only types of brain cells. The classes are easy to tell apart because the properties change in an even way. All of the zircon in high zircon is crystal clear and has the best properties. Intermediate zircon is a material that has been slightly damaged by radiation. A lot of zircon is metamict. ( A mineral whose crystal structure has been disrupted by radiation from contained radioactive particles ) It’s interesting that dispersion is the same for both high and low types, but other optical properties are different. The texture of low zircon is often cloudy.

Identifying Characteristics

The most obvious way to tell a zircon diamond from a real diamond is by the former’s birefringence.

All types of faceted zircon can be identified by having worn or abrased facet edges.


The fluorescence of zircon can be different. Some things aren’t useful. Other crystals light up very brightly. Mustard yellow and yellow-orange are two of the most common colors that glow under shortwave ultraviolet (UV) light. There are some zircons that glow dull yellow in longwave (LW) UV light. They may also phosphoresce, which makes them look like fireworks. When zircon is looked at with X-rays, it can be white, yellow, green, or violet-blue.

  • Red to orange-red: inert to strong, yellow to orange (SW).
  • Yellow to orangish-yellow: inert to moderate yellow to orange (LW and SW).
  • Green: usually inert.
  • Blue: inert to moderate, light blue (LW).
  • Brown: inert to very weak red (SW).


A method called flux has been used by scientists to make crystalline zircons for research, so they can learn more about them. However, there is no known use for this lab-made material in jewelry. However, you may be able to buy “synthetic zircons” online. It’s not clear if this material is made in a lab or if it’s cubic zirconia, which is more common and well-known (CZ). Zircons and cubic zirconia have both been used to look like diamonds, but they’re two different types of gems. While the CZ used in jewelry is made in a lab, it’s not synthetic zircon.


Zircons that don’t have any color or blue have almost always been heated. This procedure is not going to be found. Heating is the most common way to make blue, colorless, and golden-yellow shades. The stones that make these beautiful colors are usually reddish-brown in color. People don’t usually heat treat zircons that aren’t the same color. Green and yellow colors made by heating are usually more stable over time and less likely to fade from sunlight and UV light than blues made by heating.

Heating helps to crystallize zircons that aren’t completely clear. This increases the specific gravity and makes the absorption spectrum more focused. People who heat green Sri Lankan zircon make it look a little less green in color. Sri Lankan material that is reddish-brown turns colorless, sometimes reddish violet. A lot of people like to heat red-brown Thai and Cambodian stones so that they become colorless, blue, or golden. Often, brownstones are heated with or without oxygen in them to make them look blue and yellow. Brown zircons with a lot of uranium may turn green when they are heated.


Zircon can be found all over the world, but crystals that are good enough to be used as gems are rare. Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia are the main sources of zircons that are good enough for jewelry. Sri Lanka makes gravel in all kinds of colors, including rare cat’s eyes. Cambodia is the chief source of material that heat treats to colorless and blue. Myanmar produces yellowish and greenish stones in gem gravels with ruby. These stones have complex absorption spectra. Thailand is one of the most important commercial sources of gem-grade zircon. Other notable gem-quality sources include the following localities:
  • New South Wales, Australia: fine gem material (orange).
  • Quebec and Ontario, Canada: dark, opaque crystals up to 15 pounds, yield only tiny gems.
  • France: red crystals at Espaly, St. Marcel.
  • Emali, Tanzania: white zircon pebbles.
  • United States: Colorado; Maine; Massachusetts; New Jersey; New York; Oklahoma; South Dakota; Texas.
  • Brazil; China; Germany; India; Madagascar; Mexico; Nigeria; Norway; North Korea; Pakistan; Russia; South Korea; Vietnam.


Zircons should be worn carefully so that they don’t get scratched. As ring stones, they should be set in a way that protects them. Otherwise, only wear zircon jewelry once in a while. To find out more about how to choose zircons and other delicate gems for engagement ring stones, read this article. Poorly cut zircons might be better if they were recut by an expert. The before and after photos of zircons in this article on gem recutting and repair will show you how they look before and after. Almost all zircons are safe to wear, but some have low or metamict levels of natural radioactivity, especially the low or metamict type. It is a good idea for gem cutters to check the radioactivity of zircons before cutting them. Mechanical cleaners, like ultrasonic cleaners, should not be used to clean zircons because they are very fragile and should not be used. Instead, use warm water, mild detergent, and a soft brush to clean your Zircon.

practical gemology

Zircon Article Composed by : සම්පත් සමරසේකර Sampath Samarasekara Chairman: Gemological Institute of Ceylon Chairman: Youth Gem Professionals Association Chairman: Sampath Gems Director: Ceylon Sapphire Gems and Jewels Chairman: Nanosoft Web Develop Company Direct WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/2A4AUALYVQWRA1

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Gem and Law of Attraction

මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරය තුළින් ලැබූ අභිප්‍රේරණය ( Motivation ) හා ආකර්ෂණ නීතිය ( Law of Attraction ) ක්‍රියාත්මක වූ ආකාරය මාගේ අත්දැකීම් මත ලියමි.

මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරය තුළින් ලැබූ අභිප්‍රේරණය ( Motivation ) හා ආකර්ෂණ නීතිය ( Law of Attraction ) ක්‍රියාත්මක වූ ආකාරය මාගේ අත්දැකීම් මත ලියමි. මෙය මාගේ පෞද්ගලික අත්දැකීම් මත ලියන ලිපියක් මිස කිසිවකු අවතක්සේරුවට හෝ වර්ණනාවකට ලක් නොකිරීමකි. අන් අයට ව්‍යාපාර සාර්ථක වීමට දැනුම ලබා දෙන අතරේ ලංකාව තුළ බොහෝ දෙනා කතා නොකරන ආකර්ෂණ නීතිය, ධනාත්මක සිතුවිලි හා අභිප්‍රේරණය සම්බන්ධ සරල පැහැදිලි කිරීමක් කිරීමට උත්සාහ කිරීමකි. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස, මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරයේ නොවුනද සාමාන්‍ය ජීවිතයේ දී සිරගෙවල්වල සිටිමින් රඟපෑම් සිදු කළ අයකුට පසුකාලීනව සැබෑ ලෙසම සිරගත වීමට සිදුවන බව මා මෑත කාලයේ සමාජ මාධ්‍ය තුළින්ම දුටුවෙමි.මනසින් අල්ලා ගත් දෙය සැබෑ ලෙසම කුමන ක්‍රමයකින් හෝ සැබෑ ජීවිතයේ දී ඒ ආකාරයට අත්විඳිය හැක.විශ්වය අපට ලබා දෙන්නේ අප මනසින් දකින, ඉල්ලන හොඳ හෝ නරක යන ඕනෑම දෙයක්ය. මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරිකයින් අතර ඉතාමත් විශාල දේපලක් මෙන්ම මුදල් යාන වාහන ඉතුරු කරගත් දියුණු වූ දානපතියන් අතරට යන පිරිසක් මෙන්ම එදිනෙදා ගෙදර වියදම සොයා ගැනීමට වෙළඳාමට පැමිණෙන පිරිස අතර ඇති වෙනස ඔබ දැක තිබෙනවාද? මෙහිදී Comfortable Zone නැතහොත් සුවපහසුව පමණක් බලාපොරොත්තු වූ අති දැවැන්ත කැප කිරීමක් සිදු නොකළ හෝ එවැනි මානසිකත්වයක නොසිටින බොහෝ දෙනා එදිනෙදා වියදම පමණක් සොයා ගැනීමට මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරය කරන අය අතරට යොමු වී ඇත. ඔවුන් බොහෝ විට ක්‍රියා කරන්නේ සෘණාත්මක මානසිකත්වයකින් නිසා ඔවුන්ට ආකර්ෂණය වන්නේද එම රාමුව තුළ ඇති දේවල් පමණය. ඔවුන්ගෙන් නිතරම අසන්නට දකින්නට ලැබෙන්නේ, අද නම් හොඳ දවසක් නෙවෙයි, මේ දවස්වල නම් හරිම අමාරුයි, හැමදේම ගණන්, රට ඉවරයි, අර සල්ලි තියෙන මුදලාලිට මොකටද ඒ තරම් මුදල්, අපි ඒ කාලේ අඩුවට වික්ක මැණික් අද තිබ්බනං කොයිතරම් වටිනවද, අන්න අර මුදලාලි මම නිසා තමයි ගොඩ ගියේ, මෙවැනි බොහෝ අඳෝනා මෙන්ම ඔවුන්ගේ ආත්මය පුරාම සෘණාත්මක සිතුවිලි පිරි පවතී. එය ඔවුන්ගේ වරදක් නොව ඔවුන්ගේ සුපුරුදු ජීවන රටාවේ මානසිකත්වය ලෙස මා දකිමි. කිමද මා ව්‍යාපාරික ලොවට පිවිසුණේද මෙවැනි පරිසරයක් තුළින් ඇසුන අඳෝනා තුළිනි. එමෙන්ම හෙට දිනයේද වෙළඳපොල තුළ දී ඒවා අසන්නට සිදුවනවාය. මෙම රටෙහි ප්‍රශ්න මා හට දැනුම් තේරුම් ඇති කාලයේ සිටම තිබුන ඒවාය. කුඩා කල සිටම ප්‍රවෘත්ති තුළින් මෙන්ම සමාජය තුළින් ද අසන්නට දක්නට ලැබුණේ සෘණාත්මක දේවල්මය. එමෙන්ම මුල් කාලයේ සියලු දේවල් අවදානමට ලක්කර සියලුම කාලය මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරය වෙනුවෙන් කැපකර එකදිගට දැඩි අධිෂ්ඨානයකින් අදටත් උදෑසන හතර පහ වන විට තමන්ගේ ව්‍යාපාර ආරම්භ කර වාසනාව උරගා බලන ව්‍යාපාරිකයින් තුළින් මෙවැනි අඳෝනා මා හට නො ඇසෙන තරම්ය. ඔවුන්ට බොහෝ විට වාසනාව උදා වන්නේ ධනාත්මක මනසකින් යුතුව හොඳ තත්වයේ මැණික් ගලක් තමා අතට ලැබෙනවා යන දැඩි විශ්වාසය මත විශ්වයට මුදාහරින ධනාත්මක සිතුවිලි මතය. එමෙන්ම ඔවුන්ගේ දැඩි අවධානය (focus) යොමුවී තිබෙන්නේ විශාල ලාභයක් ලැබිය හැකි හොඳ මිණිකැටයක් කෙරෙහිය. එවිට අහඹු ලෙස හෝ මොනයම් ක්‍රමයකින් හෝ යම් කිසිවෙකු අතට ලැබුන මැණිකක් මෙම මානසිකත්වයේ සිටින අය අතට ආකර්ෂණය වනවා, මිලදී ගන්නට ලැබෙනවා මා අත්දැක ඇත. ඔවුන් අඳෝනා නගනු වෙනවට ලැබෙන සෑම අවස්ථාවක්ම ව්‍යාපාරය දියුණු කිරීමට තමාගේ අරමුණ වෙත යාමට භාවිතා කරනවා මා අත්දැක ඇත. තමාගේ දියුණුවේදී අන් අය එල්ල කරන සියලූ චෝදනා දරාගෙන, තම අරමුණ කරා ගිය අය මැණික් කර්මාන්තයේ දී මා දැක ඇත. ඔවුන් බොහෝදෙනා රත්න විද්‍යාව හෝ මැණික් හඳුනා ගැනීම කෙරෙහි මහා පරිමාණයෙන් හැදෑරීම සිදුනොකල අයයි. නමුත් ඔවුන් තුළ දැඩි ආත්ම විශ්වාසය, කැපවීම හා අභිප්‍රේරණය දැඩිව ඇත. මෙහිදී නවක ව්‍යාපාරිකයින් හට මා හට පැවසීමට උවමනාව වූයේ ඔබ සාමාන්‍ය වෙළඳපොලේ දී දකින රාමුවෙන් පිටතට සිතන්න. දියුණුවේ හිණිපෙත්තට ගිය අය එතනට ළඟා වූයේ කෙසේද යන්න සොයා බලන්න. ඔබගේ ගුරුවරුන්,උපදේශකයින් ඒ ආකාරයට ක්‍රියා කරනවාද යන්න සොයා බලන්න. එමෙන්ම ඒ වෙනුවෙන් දැවැන්ත කැපකිරීමක් කරන්න. කිසිවිටෙක අන් අය විවේචනය වෙනුවට තම අඩු පාඩු හදා ගැනීමට උත්සුක වන්න. සියලු මනුෂ්‍යයෝ සර්ව සම්පූර්ණ නොවන අතර මානසික අතින්ද විවිධ මට්ටම්වල සිටි. මා මෙම ව්‍යාපාරයේදී අසාධාරණයට ලක්වූ අවස්ථාවල ඔවුන් සමග ගැටීම වෙනුවට ඔවුන් අතහැරීම සිදු කළ අවස්ථා බොහෝ ඇත. නමුත් ඔවුන්ගේ මට්ටමට මා කිසිදු විටක පත් වී නොමැත. හුදකලා බව බොහෝ ප්‍රිය කිරීමට එයද හේතුවක් වී ඇත. ඒ තුළින් ලැබෙන ශක්තිය අන් අයට තව තවත් උදව් කිරීමට මෙන්ම මාගේ අඩුපාඩු හදා ගැනීමටද, ව්‍යායාපාරය දියුණු කිරීමටද යොදාගෙන ඇත. ප්‍රතික්ෂේප වීම හොඳම අභිප්‍රේරණය ලෙස සර්ව සම්පූර්ණව අත්දැක ඇත. එමෙන්ම අපට යම්කිසි අසාධාරණයක්,අනවශ්‍ය බලපෑමක් සිදු කරන අය අපව දැනට සිටින මට්ටමින් ඔසවා තැබීමට ලබාදීමට කරන පීඩනය වෙනුවෙන් ඔවුන්ට හදවතින්ම ස්තූති කිරීමට මා කිසිදු දිනක අමතකකර නොමැත. ඉතින් කර්මානුරූපීව ජීවිතය හැඩ ගැසෙනවා හා සමානවම ධනාත්මකව සිතන අය අතට අවශ්‍ය මුදල් හා සිතූ පැතූ දේවල් ආකර්ෂණය වන බව සමාජය තුළින්ම ඕනෑතරම් උදාහරණ ඔබට දැකිය හැක.මා කුඩා කල සිටම මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරය තුලින්ම පිරිසක් කෝටිපතියන් වනු මෙන්ම දිළිඳු බවට පත්වනවාද දැක ඇත. මෙය කෙටියෙන් අවසන් කිරීමට කැමැත්තෙමි. එමෙන්ම මැද මාවතේ ගමන් කළ හැකි නම් අන් අයට අසාධාරණයක් නොකර ධනාත්මක මනසකින් අවශ්‍ය පමණට සැපසම්පත් ලබාගෙන යහපත් ජීවිතයක් ගත කිරීමට හැකිනම් මැණික් කර්මාන්තය යනු ඔබගේ ජීවිතයේ වාසනාව උරගා බැලීමට හොඳ ඉල්ලමක් බව මාගේ අත්දැකීම් අනුව සඳහන් කිරීමට කැමැත්තෙමි. අසාධාරණව අන් අයව රවටා,තළාපෙළා මුදල් ඉපයූ අය ජීවිතයේ අවසාන කාලයේ දී මෙන්ම බොහෝ අවස්ථාවල දී දුක්ඛිත ලෙස ජීවිතය අවසන් කරනවා දැක ඇත. ඔබ මුදාහරින ධනාත්මක හෝ සෘණාත්මක දේවල් දෙගුණ තෙගුණ වී ඔබට ලැබෙනවා කිසිවකුට නැවැත්විය නොහැක. ආකර්ෂණ නීතිය සර්ව සාධාරණය. සියලු දෙනාට ජය වේවා!!!. තෙරුවන් සරණයි!!! Article Prepared by : සම්පත් සමරසේකර Sampath Samarasekara Chairman: Gemological Institute of Ceylon Chairman: Youth Gem Professionals Association Chairman: Sampath Gems Director: Ceylon Sapphire Gems and Jewels Chairman: Nanosoft Web Develop Company Direct WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/2A4AUALYVQWRA1 අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවි / Websites : www.giceylon.com www.bluesapphire.lk www.gemluck.com අපගේ facebook පිටුව හා සමූහය : https://www.facebook.com/giceylon/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1990653001208203/?ref=share අපගේ මැණික් හා ස්වර්ණාභරණ ව්‍යාපාර උදව් telegram සමූහය සමග පහතින් සම්බන්ධ විය හැක / Join with Gem and Jewellery Business Help and Discussion Group on Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/Q5cLnxilNw4xAr8T3TumfA All images and text content Copyrighted ©️[learn_press_profile]
dollar and gemstones

ඩොලර් අර්බුධය සමග මැණික් වලට විශාල ඉල්ලුමක් මෙන්ම ඉහළ මිලක්.

ඩොලර් අර්බුධය සමග මැණික් වලට විශාල ඉල්ලුමක් මෙන්ම ඉහළ මිලක්. දැනට පවතින ඩොලර් එකකට ලැබෙන ඉතා ඉහළ අගය නිසා අපනයන වෙළෙඳපල හා කටයුතු කරන බොහෝ මැණික් ව්‍යාපාරිකයන්ගේ අතමිට සරුවී ඇත. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස අප අපනයනයක් සිදුකිරීමේදී පසුගිය සතියේදී ලැබුණේ රු.210ක් වැනි අගයකි. මේ වන විට එය රුපියල් 250ට වඩා ඉහළ ගිය නිසා ඩොලර් 1000ක් අපනයනකින් රු.50,000 වඩා වැඩි මුදලක් අපනයනකරුවෙකුට ලැබේ. එමෙන්ම ඔබ නිවැරදි අපනයන තත්ත්වයේ මැණික් වලට මුදල් ආයෝජනය කර තිබුණේ නම් ඉදිරියේදී විකිණෙන්නේද වැඩි මුදලටය. එම කරුණු නිසාම මෙන්ම පහුගිය කාලයේ ඇති වූ ඉල්ලුම නිසාම එම ව්‍යාපාරිකයින් දේශීය වෙළඳපොළ තුළද වැඩි මිලක් දී මැණික් මිලදී ගන්නා නිසා රු.100,000කට පමණ අලෙවි වු 1ct ක් පමණ වන පළමු පන්තියේ නිල් මැණිකක් රු.150,000කට වඩා වැඩි මුදලකට අලෙවි වනවා දැකගත හැක. සමහර අවස්ථාවල රු.200,000ද ඉක්මවා ගොස් ඇත. ( මෙය එක් උදාහරණයක් පමණි ප්‍රමාණයෙන් විශාල මැණික් සඳහා මෙයට වඩා විශාල මිල පරාසයකින් ඉල්ලුම් ඇත ) තවද පෞද්ගලික අත්දැකීම් අනුව යුරෝපීයයන් කිහිපදෙනෙකුම ආයෝජනය සඳහා හොඳ තත්ත්වයෙන් යුතු මැණික් ඉල්ලා දුරකථන ඇමතුම් ලැබුණි. මෙයට හේතුව යුධමය තත්ත්වය නිසා ඔවුන්ගේ මුදල් ආරක්ෂා කරගැනීමට අවශ්‍ය පසුබිම සකසා ගැනීමයි. මෙය බොරදියේ මාළු බෑම හා සමාන වුවත් ලෝකයට උසස් තත්වයේ මැණික් සපයන ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ව්‍යාපාරිකයන්ට හොඳ අවස්ථාවකි. ඔවුන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවෙන් හෝ වෙනත් රටකින් අනිවාර්යෙන්ම හොඳ මැණික් මිලදී ගෙන ඔවුන්ගේ මුදල් පහසුවෙන් ආරක්ෂා කරගන්නවා ඇත. එමෙන්ම අපගේ ව්‍යාපාරිකයන් තවතවත් ජාත්‍යන්තර මට්ටමේ සබඳතා ගොඩනඟා ගන්නවා නම් මීටත් වඩා හොඳ මිලක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව තුළදීම විකිණෙන මැණික් වලට ලබාගත හැක. පහතින් දක්වා ඇති වෙබ් අඩවියෙන් ඔබට ඇමරිකාව තුල නිල් මැණික් අලෙවි වන මිල පැහැදිලිව දැකගත හැක. මෙවැනි වෙබ් අඩවි බොහෝ ගණනක් අන්තර්ජාලය තුළින් ඩොලර් මිලියන ගණන් එම රටවල් තුළට ගෙන එනවා අප වසර ගණනාවක් තුළ දැක ඇත. Ex : www.thenaturalsapphirecompany.com ඉහත සටහන තැබීමේ අරමුණ අපගේ ව්‍යාපාරිකයින් දිරිමත් කිරීම මෙන්ම උපන් රටට යම් තරමකින් හෝ සේවයක් කිරීමයි. මෙම අර්බුදය හමුවේ අපනයන වෙළඳපල වැඩි කිරීම සිදුකර ඩොලර් ගෙන ඒම හැර වෙනත් විසඳුමක් මැණික් ස්වර්ණාභරණ ව්‍යාපාරිකයෙකු ලෙස මා දන්නෙ නැත. අප ආයතනයෙන් මැණික් හා ස්වර්ණාභරණ කර්මාන්තය අධ්‍යනයකරන සියලුදෙනා හට උදා වූ මෙම අවස්ථාව යහපත් ලෙස භාවිතා කරන ලෙසද ඉල්ලා සිටිමි. සියලු දෙනාට ජය වේවා!!!. තෙරුවන් සරණයි!!! Article Prepared by : සම්පත් සමරසේකර Sampath Samarasekara Chairman: Gemological Institute of Ceylon Chairman: Youth Gem Professionals Association Chairman: Sampath Gems Director: Ceylon Sapphire Gems and Jewels Chairman: Nanosoft Web Develop Company Direct WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/2A4AUALYVQWRA1 අපගේ වෙබ් අඩවි / Websites : www.giceylon.com www.bluesapphire.lk www.gemluck.com අපගේ facebook පිටුව හා සමූහය : https://www.facebook.com/giceylon/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1990653001208203/?ref=share අපගේ මැණික් හා ස්වර්ණාභරණ ව්‍යාපාර උදව් telegram සමූහය සමග පහතින් සම්බන්ධ විය හැක / Join with Gem and Jewellery Business Help and Discussion Group on Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/Q5cLnxilNw4xAr8T3TumfA All images and text content Copyrighted ©️[learn_press_profile]

Garnet 6 important varieties and is the ultimate blended gemstone

practical gemology


  Garnet Family AllGarnet is often thought of as red, but these gemstones come in almost any color and are popular for jewelry of all kinds. If you want to buy this January birthstone, that’s great news. In the gem world, the garnet family is one of the most interesting. It’s not a single species, but rather a group of different species and varieties that make it up.


Garnet Information

Name Garnet
Varieties Almandine Garnet, Almandine-Pyrope, Rhodolite Garnet, Andradite, Demantoid Garnet, Melanite, Topazolite, Andradite-Grossular, Mali Garnet, Color Change Garnet, Gadolinium Gallium Garnet, Grossular Garnet, Hessonite, Hibschite, Hydrogrossular Garnet, Transvaal Jade, Tsavorite Garnet, Malaia Garnet (Malaya Garnet), Proteus, Pyrope Garnet, Chrome Pyrope, Pyrope-Spessartine, Umbalite, Spessartite Garnet, Mandarin Garnet, Uvarovite Garnet, Yttrium Aluminium Garnet
Colors  A very wide range. See “Garnet Varieties” and “Identifying Characteristics” below and listings for specific garnet species and varieties.
Heat Sensitivity Some
Formula A3B2Si3O12. A = Fe, Ca, Mn, Mg. B = Al, Fe, Ti, Cr. See “Identifying Characteristics” below.
Etymology From the Latin granatus for “grain.” Many garnet deposits are small grains of red crystals in or on their host rock.
Fracture  Conchoidal
Hardness  6.5-7.5
Cleavage  None
Crystallography  Isometric. Trapezohedron and dodecahedron forms are common. Cube and octahedron forms are extremely rare.
Crystallographic Forms
Garnet 01
Garnet 02
Garnet 03
Garnet 55
Garnet 84
Refractive Index  Varies by species, 1.72-1.95. See Gem Listings for specific varieties.
Birefringence  None
Dispersion  Varies by species, 0.014-0.057. See Gem Listings for specific varieties.
Luminescence  Most varieties are inert. Grossulars can show a variety of fluorescence.
Luminescence Present Yes
Absorption Spectrum  See Gem Listings for specific varieties.
Pleochroism  None
Optics  Isotropic. Some garnets may show anomalous birefringence. See “Identifying Characteristics” below.
Luster  Vitreous, inclining to resinous in grossular, andradite, and some almandines.
Specific Gravity  3.40-4.30 (See Gem Listings for specific varieties).
Transparency  Transparent to opaque
Birthstone  January
Will focus on the things that all garnets have in common and give a quick overview of how different they are. Garnets are not like minerals like beryl or corundum, which are all the same species but have different colors because of trace elements. They come from different species and are never found in their pure state. They are always mixed with other types of garnets, and they are never alone. They are called solid-state series or a blend because they are made up of different minerals. Some of these blends have unique features and are known as different types of garnets in their own right. What makes them all garnets is that they all have the same crystal structure and the same properties.

Garnet Varieties

Almandine Garnet
Almandines are the most common gemstone in the family of garnets. They come in a wide range of colors, and they are the most common in the family. The combination of almandine and pyrope is the dark red variety that people think of when they think of garnets.
Andradite Garnet
There are very few andradites in the world, and they are one of the rarest. They have the most dispersion out of all garnets, with even more fire than diamonds. Demantoids, a type of andradite, are very valuable.
Grossular Garnet
It is very rare for grossulars to be red or dark in color. However, they come in every color, even white, except blue. Their light to medium tones and bright colors make them great for making jewelry. Tsavorites have an emerald-like green color and can be sold for a lot of money. Hessonite “cinnamon stones,” on the other hand, are very popular and cheap.
hydrogrossular garnet
It isn’t possible to see through hydrogrossulars, which are usually blueish green in color. They can also be pink, white, or gray in color. The classification of hydrogrossular as a garnet species is exciting.
pyrope garnet
There is a red color in chrome pyropes that can match rubies. There are some dark stones, though.
Spessartite spessartite garnet
Spessartites, also known as spessartines, are a type of garnet that isn’t very common. They come in a lot of different shades of orange. Mandarin garnets, a type of spessartite with a bright orange color, are very popular.
uvarovite garnet
Uvarovites are the rarest member of the garnet family. They have a dark, rich green that looks like an emerald, and they are very rare. Facetable material is even rarer and always small. Non-Gem Garnet Species Non-gem garnet species include goldmanite, henritermierite, kimzeyite, majorite, schorlomite, and yamatoite. These garnets might be of interest to people who collect rare mineral specimens. Blends Some people assume these blends are types of garnet, not sub-types of the above species.
rhodolite garnet
Rhodolites are a mix of pyrope and almandine that have a purple color.
Malaya or Malaia Garnet malaya garnet
In the past, this term was used to describe garnets that didn’t fit into any other categories. Now, gemologists know that malaya or malaia garnets are a mix of pyrope and spessartite, and they call them that.
Color Change Garnet Color Change Garnet Color Change Garnet blue
Color shift garnets, which turn blue when exposed to artificial light, have been identified in recent decades. Blue garnets with purple flashes under incandescent light were discovered in Madagascar in the late 1990s. A pyrope-spessartite mixture makes up these color-changing stones. A dramatic color shift from red to purplish red can be seen in some Idaho garnets. These are a mixture of almandine and pyrope.
The following species are known to blend:
Almandine-pyrope almandine pyrope garnet
Almandine spessartite garnet
Andradite-grossular (also known as grandites or Mali garnets)
Andradite grossular garnet

Pyrope spessartine Garnet

Identifying Characteristics

Garnet identification is difficult. Several new blends have been discovered in East Africa in the last fifty years. There’s no reason to suppose that all of the conceivable combinations have been found. We don’t know where gemologists will go in the future. Garnets have a lot in common at the molecular level, despite their differences. For those who aren’t interested in science, here’s a visualization that, while not scientifically sound, can assist illustrate the point. If your hand were a model of a garnet molecule, the arrangement of atoms represented by the palm would be shared by all garnets. The atoms represented by your fingers, on the other hand, are interchangeable. To put it another way, various atoms can live on your fingers while the palm stays the same. Any time the chemistry is altered, a new species emerges. Even if the structure and related features of a finger stay the same, changing the atoms produces a distinct species (or very nearly so).

Chemistry The chemistry of garnets, of course, varies significantly more than the hand model can fully reflect. The chemical composition of the gem garnet species is shown below.

  • Almandine: Fe3Al2Si3O12
  • Andradite: Ca3Fe2Si3O12
  • Grossular: Ca3Al2Si3O12
  • Hydrogrossular: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3-x(OH)4x
  • Pyrope: Mg3Al2Si3O12
  • Spessartite: Mn3Al2Si3O12
  • Uvarovite: Ca3Cr2Si3O12

As you can see, chemistry comes in a variety of forms. Despite this, they all have a similar core structure. In the isometric system, garnets crystallize. The trapezohedron and dodecahedron are the most popular shapes. Surprisingly, they are rarely found in the shapes of cubes or octahedrons, which are the most prevalent shapes of other isometric minerals. Garnets come in a variety of sizes and shapes, including enormous, granular, and tumbling pebbles. Rhodolite has been described as one part almandine and two parts pyrope by gemologists for decades. Garnets, on the other hand, are not so straightforward. Rhodolite stones, like all other garnets, contain some of the other species as well. Garnets are never as simple as having two elements, even if they are present in trace proportions. Furthermore, a solid-state series such as an almandine-pyrope blend does not imply that it is a mixture, Fe3Al2Si3O12 and Mg3Al2Si3O122. Instead, it denotes the presence of both Fe and Mg in the structure.

Are There Any Pure Garnets? Garnets do not originate as a single pure species in nature. Roughly 83% pyrope, 15% almandine, and about 2% different garnets were found in the purest gem-quality pyrope ever discovered. Almandine and grossular are in the same boat. You’ll find that 80%  is about as pure as it gets. Andradite and spessartite garnets, on the other hand, have been discovered to be up to 95% pure. There have been discovered non-gem-sized, colorless garnets that are 97% pure pyrope. It’s something to inspire garnet (or purity) lovers.

Describing Garnets

Garnets as a Straight Line Series The almandine-pyrope and pyrope-spessartite series of garnets were once thought to constitute a straight-line sequence. However, this is insufficient to explain the increasingly complex mixtures we see. A two-dimensional graph with almandine, pyrope, and spessartite marking the three corners is a more helpful description. Garnets - Two dimensional graphThe chemistry of a gem is almost never found on one of the flat sides. It’s actually a point inside the triangle that indicates how much of each ingredient is present. A three-dimensional model is optimal for total accuracy. Andradite, grossular, and uvarovite can all be added to the formula in this way. Garnets - Three Dimensional Graph Grossular and andradite are found in practically all garnet blends, however they are less prevalent. This graph can be used to show how much of each of these species are present in a single specimen. Understanding garnet mixes is crucial for gemologists. The mixes of today’s garnets show a great deal of variation. Unless it’s a popular variant, garnets are usually named after their two principal species for identification purposes. Simply put, garnets are not simple two-species minerals. Gemologists used to classify garnets based on their chemical composition. This terminology is still in use. Pyralspites are garnets that have Al (aluminum) in the B position in their chemical formula (for pyrope, almandine, and spessartite). Ugrandites are garnets having Ca (calcium) in the A position (uvarovite, grossular, and andradite).

Optics Chemistry has a big role in these qualities. Isotropic minerals include pyrrope, almandine, and spessartite. Uvarovite, grossular, and andradite, on the other hand, are birefringent due to the big Ca (calcium) atom. This could be due to strain, but it’s more likely owing to structural issues. Under the microscope, grossular and andradite are almost invariably zonal, often twinned, and clearly not isotropic.
Color Due to garnet’s tremendous range of overlapping colors, gemologists can’t identify this gem on the basis of color alone. This information is for reference only.
Uvarovite: dark green.
Grossular: colorless, white, gray, yellow, yellowish green, green (various shades: pale apple green, medium apple green, emerald green, dark green), brown, pink, reddish, black.
Andradite: yellow-green, green, greenish brown, orangey yellow, brown, grayish black, black. The color is related to the content of Ti and Mn. If there’s little of either element, the color is light and may resemble grossular.
Pyrope: purplish red, pinkish red, orangey red, crimson, dark red. Note: Pure pyrope would be colorless; the red colors come from Fe + Cr.
Almandine: deep red, brownish red, brownish-black, violet red.
Spessartine: red, reddish-orange, orange, yellow-brown, reddish-brown, blackish-brown.
Malaia: various shades of orange, red-orange, peach, and pink.
Rhodolite: usually has a distinctive purplish color.
Synthetics The gem world has been influenced by synthetic garnets. Synthetic garnet was the dominant diamond simulant prior to the introduction of cubic zirconia (CZ) in the late 1970s. These synthetic stones are still available, albeit in a reduced quantity in today’s market. The first synthetic garnet available on the market was YAG, or yttrium aluminum garnet. YAG is colorless in its purest form. It may, however, be made in practically any hue. The vast variety of refractive indices and specific gravity is due to the dopants employed for coloring. Each property has a colorless YAG near the bottom. YAG is not brittle and lasts a long time. However, for a diamond equivalent, its dispersion is a little modest. Gadolinium gallium garnet, or GGG, has a wide dispersion (.038). Yttrium is substantially more expensive than gadolinium and gallium. GGG, on the other hand, is a fantastic alternative, with a dispersion similar to diamond (.044). The coloring dopants, like YAG, are responsible for the wide range of refractive index and specific gravity. Each attribute has a colorless GGG near the bottom. CZ, which is less expensive, has mostly supplanted GGG in jewelry today. These synthetics, however, are still available in a variety of colors. Many lapidaries choose them because they cut lovely jewels.
Enhancements Proteus was a shape-shifting sea god in Greek mythology. His name now has the meaning of someone who can alter their appearance or principles quickly. The only garnets that are frequently handled are those known as “Proteus garnets.” Proteus will be created from a few almandine-pyrope diamonds from the United States. All of the other personalities are resistant to change. A thin layer of metals is applied to the stone’s surface during this treatment. It takes on a twofold appearance as a result of this. Proteus garnets feature a dark gray, metallic sheen in reflected light, similar to hematite. The dark red shows through in transmitted light.
Stone Sizes Garnet crystals are typically tiny, ranging in size from microscopic to around 6 inches in grossular. Many deposits are made up of tiny crystal grains embedded in or on the host rock. Garnets in granite with poor outward shapes, such as the almandine from Gore Mountain, New York, which has a diameter of 60 cm, can be much larger. In Brazil, a few spessartites weighing several pounds have kept their clarity and exquisite color. These are, however, quite rare. A garnet crystal typically measures half an inch to an inch in diameter.
Garnets should be cleaned with warm water, soap, and a soft brush. Garnets, despite their hardness and toughness, are heat sensitive. Excessive heat should be avoided.

practical gemology


Article Composed by : සම්පත් සමරසේකර Sampath Samarasekara
Chairman: Gemological Institute of Ceylon
Chairman: Youth Gem Professionals Association
Chairman: Sampath Gems
Director: Ceylon Sapphire Gems and Jewels
Chairman: Nanosoft Web Develop Company Direct WhatsApp: https://wa.me/message/2A4AUALYVQWRA1

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